Bet Midrash
Karne RAM

Donations can be made HERE

All weekday classes are in the Ahi Ezer Senior Center Bet Midrash located at 1960 East 7th street, on the corner of Ave S. 

Arbit is 10:00 Monday-Thursday

Bet Midrash Karne RAM was started in 2019 by Rabbi Adam Matut, a community leader and visionary who saw the need for an unmatched nightly learning experience for post high school young adults. Starting at 9pm, the program is a one hour in depth Gemara class each weeknight culminating with a 15 minute Thursday derasha from a respected community Rabbi. 

Having grown over the years to include 7 classes and over 60 students and alumni, BMKR is independently run and financed by our generous donors. If you would like to join the program or partner with us, please reach out.